
4 Common Myths on Student Enrollment

Student enrollment is a critical aspect of running an education center, but it’s also an area fraught with misconceptions and myths. In this article, we’ll debunk some of the common myths surrounding student enrollment, providing clarity and actionable insights for education center owners.

Myth 1: More Students Means More Success

One prevalent myth is the belief that a high student enrollment automatically translates to a successful education center. While a healthy enrollment is undoubtedly beneficial, success should be measured by factors beyond just numbers. We’ll explore the importance of focusing on student retention, quality of education, and overall student satisfaction rather than solely on enrollment numbers.

Myth 2: Lowering Tuition Fees Increases Enrollment

Another common misconception is that lowering tuition fees will automatically attract more students. While affordability is a significant factor for many parents, simply lowering fees may devalue the education center’s offerings and compromise its financial sustainability. We’ll discuss the importance of striking a balance between affordability and maintaining the quality of education.

Myth 3: Enrollment Is Only About Marketing

Some education center owners believe that effective marketing alone can drive enrollment numbers. However, successful enrollment strategies involve a multifaceted approach that goes beyond marketing. We’ll explore the role of personalized communication, exceptional student experiences, and community engagement in attracting and retaining students.

Myth 4: Enrollment Challenges Are Inevitable

Many education center owners resign themselves to the belief that enrollment challenges are inevitable and beyond their control. However, proactive measures can mitigate enrollment challenges and even turn them into opportunities for growth. We’ll discuss strategies for identifying and addressing enrollment barriers, such as enhancing communication channels, refining admission processes, and diversifying program offerings.

Our Thoughts

Debunking common myths surrounding student enrollment is essential for education center owners to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth. By focusing on factors such as student satisfaction, affordability, and holistic enrollment strategies, education center owners can navigate enrollment challenges effectively. Additionally, leveraging technology solutions like AOneSchools tuition center management system can streamline enrollment processes, enhance communication with parents, and ultimately contribute to the success of the education center.

School Management System
Business Marketing Sales

How to Make Trial Classes Work for Your Learning Centre

There is a discourse about offering trial classes, but why?

Although, on the surface, offering a trial to someone can provide valuable insight into the product you’re selling (in this case, your class), it’s not as simple as you might think.

There are numerous factors to consider when deciding whether offering trial classes is beneficial for your learning center, from establishing contact to potentially wasting time.

Stick around as we go over the pros and cons of this topic in the hopes of providing you with the answers you seek!

The Benefits of Trial Classes

When considering the option of trying out a trial class, both the student and the parents see it as a low-risk, high-reward activity and are much more inclined to try out something that will cost them nothing.

A great way to understand if you want to implement trial classes in your case is by understanding what makes them so appealing: building up a connection.

In contrast to signing up from a different source, by engaging in a trial, users will be asked to provide information like their name, surname, and email address. More likely than not, those who provide details will continue to use the platform they signed up for.

This will give you a channel through which you can communicate with those interested but also send notifications that will keep them engaged and informed.

Lastly, giving free trials frees you from making a place for marketing in your budget. Students will explore your platform by themselves, so you won’t need to use your resources to attract them, as your classes will do that.

Attracting New Students

As with every product, buying comes with a lot of uncertainty. By giving a taste of what you’re selling, you are giving a glimpse into all the aspects of a child’s learning, such as subjects and teaching methods.

With that aspect, a lot more students are going to be much more willing to try something new. You can provide them with a feeling of safety and also relieve them of not knowing what to expect.

This will also eliminate those who don’t feel like it’s the best fit for them and increase the number of students who find it suitable to stick with your learning center.

Retaining Students

The benefits of free trial classes don’t apply only to new students, as it’s an active thing that keeps pre-existing ones on your platform.

You can recommend new classes as a way of extending your connection.

In doing that, not only will you give them room to grow, but you are also building a sense of trust and an online community.

Not to mention that those who have used your classes for extended periods will be more trustworthy when signing up for a new one.

Challenges and Considerations

Now consider the other side of the coin.

Giving out trial classes can be a good way to attract new students, but you should be aware of the disadvantages and potential problems that may arise:

1. Cost of the classes: Probably the main thing you want to consider is the cost of the class itself. Varying from subject to subject, but also taking in the factor of creating the platform, it’s not without a risk.

The best way to minimize the problem is to start by lowering prices. Often, both students and parents are discouraged by the cost of applying to a school or a course, so by making it more accessible, you will have a higher chance of swaying them towards your learning center. 

Pro tip: Study the background of those who take your classes, as you will get a better understanding when setting up prices.

2. Faculty cost: How you want to deal with this is up to you, but consider options like implementing more online classes or training or mentoring your employees to reduce costs.

3. Scheduling: The importance of a well-crafted schedule is immense. Both parties (students and teachers) can benefit greatly. The main goal when creating a schedule is efficiency. Once a schedule is finished, it should be clear, concise, and effective.

Schools and learning centers struggle from time to time to implement a schedule that is catered to students rather than their material. In that case, students fall behind or their work overlaps with other subjects.

When creating schedules, try to give as much responsibility as possible to students as teachers and give room for extracurricular activities as well as ways outside the schedule to learn.

Strategies to Success

Knowing both the pros and cons, what are your strategies for success when offering trial classes?

1. Showing your unique selling points: When wanting to be ahead of the competition, you want to ask yourself, “What does my learning center have that others don’t?”

Display factors like innovation and various teaching styles. Using, for example, more tech-based learning can show the ability to adapt and keep up with modern times.

When talking about learning methods, understand each type and see what works best for your students.

Besides that, look into hiring experienced teachers and tutors. Not only will they be able to mentor your less experienced teachers, but you will also give the parents assurance that their child is learning from someone they can trust.

2. Welcoming and knowledgeable staff: Having a staff like this will give students a sense of safety and make them more involved in the class. This not only helps them learn more in less time but also relieves pressure from the teachers.

3. Practice transparency and clear communication with parents and students: This is the best way to understand your students. Constantly updating their parents will give them a sense of importance while also helping students with their academic lives.

The best way to maintain clear and transparent communication in your learning center is by implementing AOneSchools—a learning center management system that will help you organize and send messages and information. 

Measuring Success

No matter how many tips you implement, you need to see if your methods are working. Here are some data points you need to keep an eye on:

  1. Attendance rate. A recent study showed that the current attendance rate is 93.5%
  2. The conversion rate is the number of students that successfully enroll in your learning center out of the total number of applicants.
  3. ROI (return on investment) is defined as a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment or compare the efficiency of several different investments.
  4. Feedback. General feedback is always welcome. Whether positive or negative, knowing what parents and students are thinking will help you gauge your current situation and future improvements.


In the end, trying something new always comes with risks, and in this case, it is worth it.

Giving free trial classes can be a low-risk, high-reward learning center in the quest to improve your education management system. 

In light of that, check out AOneSchools to smooth the enrollment process and boost the enrollment rate!

School Management System

Marketing Sales

Digital Marketing Tips to Attract New Students in 2024

School marketing has always been difficult, but in today’s digital age, it may be at its most competitive.

As new generations become more familiar with how to use the internet to find answers to their questions, the most important tool for making your school more appealing is to constantly monitor and update your digital marketing.

If you’re interested in ways to help your school attract new students through digital marketing, here are some tips that can achieve that!

Know Your Audience

In many cases, marketing (not just school-related) is solved by throwing more money at it and hoping for the best. What is frequently overlooked, or at least not thoroughly examined, is who your target audience is.

According to one survey, in general, marketing professionals looking to attract more clients know only about 40% of their target audience’s information (such as name, gender, and age, as mentioned in the study). The key to achieving your goal is to gather as much information as possible and to be as close to people interested in your school as possible. This will help you narrow down where you want to spend your time. 

Nowadays, both parents and students are very familiar with modern technology, so include them in all strategic planning. Studies show that millennial parents use their phones for slightly more than 4 hours per day. Learn about how they spend their phone time, which social media apps they use, and what their interests are.

How can you learn about that?

There are a plethora of options, including surveys, Google Analytics, and asking questions on social media or your school’s website.

Optimize Your Website

What does optimizing your website actually mean?

Website optimization is the process of using tools, experiments, and strategic planning to improve your website’s visibility and accessibility.

Before taking the first steps toward improving your site, it’s best to know where you are currently. Use many of the free tools to test your current status, like SemRush and, among many others.

Let’s look at some ways you can improve your website:

  1. Implement UX/UI design: Commonly used as a single term UX( user experience) and UI (user interaction) are both important but separate aspects of a website:
    • UX design focuses more on the technical aspects, as it considers the experience a user has with the usability of the product, branding, and everything in between, from entering the site to leaving it.
    • UI design, on the other hand, has a visual role; it focuses on all aspects of user interaction. That includes the colors, animations, and sounds when you click, among other things
  1. Improving page SEO: On-page SEO (or search engine optimization) is the process of increasing your searchability on Google. The higher your rank, the higher the chance that someone will click on your site. The study shows the first search is clicked 27.6% of the time, while the 10th search has a 25.2% decline (2.4%). With students going on Google when searching for a school, it can benefit you greatly.
  2. Improve page speed: The longer the user has to wait, the higher the chance there is that he will leave your page without even entering it. Use sites like Pingdom Website Speed Test to test your speed.
  3. A/B testing: Also known as split testing, is the process of testing your site in real life for the first time. In short, the test considers showing one piece of marketing (A) to one group of audience and the second (B) to the second group of audience. With this, you can see what you need to improve and test it as many times as needed.

Social media marketing for learning centre

Get on Social Media

Social media has seen massive growth in the past decade or so. With its growth, companies saw an opportunity to use it as a marketing tool, so how can it be yours too?

Social media’s strongest aspect is engagement. An estimated 4.89 billion people use social media daily, so by being present on multiple social media platforms at once, you can attract many students.

Every social media platform has its own demographic. Millennials are the majority of people using Instagram, one of the most popular platforms in Malaysia.  The other is TikTok, which saw a massive increase in its teen users.

What to Post?

Every platform has its preferred form of content, so you have a number of options to promote your business. For example, on Instagram, which is image-based, you can share pictures of your school or campus, parts of the school like the schoolyard, or even (with permission, of course) students and teachers themselves.

On the other hand, TikTok is filled with short-form content. By being creative, you have the opportunity to pop up on someone’s page in a much more fun way, which can result in increased engagement.

Platforms like Twitter/X or Facebook can be used as information tunnels. You can post school-related news, announcements, reviews from past or current students, and even parents themselves.

Whatever the platform, be sure to use it all to your advantage. Social media has the ability to track data, so always keep checking your likes, shares, and saves when posting something.

Finally, be active. It’s crucial to keep up with modern trends and answer every question and comment. 

Pro tip: If your budget allows you, consider collaborating with influencers. This is a proven method for brand promotion and increasing your page visitors. Be extra careful when looking for someone to work with; they must be respectable and professional.

Offer Virtual Tours

Adding on to the previous point, you can make a virtual gallery to showcase your school, learning centre, or academy in the best light that can attract students while also creating a virtual binder of the school’s history.

The gallery can include pictures, videos (walking around the campus, for example), or any other form of visual representation of what you have to offer. By doing this, you can not only stockpile memories and past experiences but also get an up-close and personal look at what you have to offer.

Bonus tip: Focus on people; pictures and videos of happy students and faculty can really go a long way!

Streamline Your Enrollment Process

Enrollment is always stressful, but with just a few changes and additions, you can make sure the process for your students goes smoothly.

The easiest way to start is by digitalizing the process itself. As more and more students apply to schools via the Internet, it relieves their stress.

The best way to digitalize your learning centre is to implement AOneSchools, the number one tuition centre management system in Southeast Asia. 

With AOneSchools, your student data will be organized in one place and really straightforward to use. Managing learning centres with this tuition centre management system is a breeze thanks to easy online registration, remote administration, attendance tracking, and much more.

This improved enrollment process will be beneficial for everyone, including students, their parents, your teachers and administrative workers, and you as a business owner.

School Management System

Final Thoughts

Enrollment is a major part of every school system and can be a stressful process for both the students and the school itself.

But by using some of our tips, you can help boost your student numbers and take out stress for efficiency.

And if you are interested in implementing the tuition centre management system—AOneSchools—contact us and start your free demo!


Crafting the Ultimate Marketing Plan for Your Learning Centre

In the fast-evolving realm of education, the success of your learning centre hinges on the art of strategic promotion. But, before choosing a suitable marketing strategy to apply, it’s important to have a plan in place.

As business owners in this dynamic industry, we understand that staying ahead requires a thoughtful and professional approach to marketing. No matter how good the marketing strategy might be, it can’t work if you don’t plan and set it up for success.

Here are five good practices in crafting a marketing plan that will give you better results.

1. Identify Your Ideal Student’s Profile

Imagine your colleague speaking to you in a language you don’t even recognize. 

Exactly the same happens to learning businesses that don’t know their ideal students. As a result, they overlook the way they should speak to them and become unsuccessful.

So, the first thing you need to do to avoid that is to establish your ideal student profile. Here are just a few examples of questions you need to ask yourself:

  • What is the age range of the ideal student?
  • What subjects or topics are they most interested in learning?
  • What are their academic or career goals?
  • How do they prefer to learn (e.g., individual tutoring, group classes, online courses)?
  • Where do they typically seek information about learning centres (e.g., online searches, referrals, social media)?

Depending on the academic nature (e.g., tuition/enrichment/language/sports), the ideal student profile can be really different, as can the marketing strategies used for it.

Standard Methods to Conduct Market Research

  • Surveys and questionnaires. Create online or offline surveys to gather feedback from potential and current students. Ask questions about their preferences, interests, learning needs, and expectations from an educational centre.
  • Focus groups. Organize focus group discussions with small groups of potential students to explore their opinions, attitudes, and experiences related to education and learning centres.
  • Interviews. Conduct one-on-one interviews with prospective students and their parents to gain in-depth insights into their motivations, preferences, and decision-making factors.
  • Competitor analysis. Analyze other learning centres in the area to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points. Identify gaps in the market that your centre can fill.
  • Feedback forms. Provide feedback forms or suggestion boxes at your learning centre to collect input from current students and parents on improving your services.
  • Google trends. Use Google Trends to identify popular search queries related to educational services and learning centres in your area.
  • Community outreach. Engage with local communities, schools, and educational institutions to understand the needs and expectations of potential students.

Remember that combining multiple research methods will provide a comprehensive view of your target audience. The gathered insights will help you tailor your learning centre’s offerings to better meet the needs and preferences of your ideal students.

Where to find more students in Malaysia

2. Determine Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

The unique selling proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that identifies and emphasizes the unique qualities or characteristics of a product, service, or business that set it apart from competitors in the marketplace.

In other words, a unique selling proposition is the reason why a student or a parent chooses your learning centre instead of your competitor’s.

Whether you already have a learning centre, or are just learning how to start one, here are some tips to help you determine your USP:

  • Identify your strengths. Analyze the strengths of your education centre, such as experienced teachers, specialized courses, modern facilities, small class sizes, individualized attention, or a proven track record of successful students.
  • Be clear and specific. Your USP should be straightforward, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid generic statements and focus on specific benefits that students will gain from choosing your centre.
  • Highlight benefits, not features. Instead of just listing features, emphasize the benefits that students and parents will receive from your education centre. How will their lives improve by choosing you?

Show proven results. If your centre has a track record of successful students or has achieved notable accomplishments, highlight these achievements as part of your USP.

3. Define Your Marketing Goals

Defining clear and focused marketing goals is a foundational step in the success of any educational centre. 

One effective approach to setting objectives is to employ the S.M.A.R.T. goals method. 

It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This method provides a roadmap for success.

For educational centres aiming to increase student enrollment by 15% within six months, the S.M.A.R.T. method entails creating specific targets, such as identifying the exact number of new students required to achieve the goal.

Measuring progress regularly enables adjustments to strategies while ensuring the goal remains attainable and relevant to the centre’s growth.

On top of that, setting a time frame provides a sense of urgency, motivating the team to implement innovative marketing strategies, harness the power of digital platforms, and leverage word-of-mouth referrals to attract new students and foster exponential growth.

SMART Goals for Tuition Centre

S.M.A.R.T. Plan Example

For a better understanding of the S.M.A.R.T. approach, here is a specific example of how to set your goals for back-to-school promotion.

  1. Specific (S):
    • Goal: Increase student enrollment by 15% within six months.
    • Target Audience: Potential students and their parents residing in the local community.
    • Marketing Focus: Back-to-school promotion to attract new students.
  2. Measurable (M):
    • Measure success through enrollment numbers and track progress monthly.
    • Benchmark: Calculate the baseline enrollment figure in August and aim for a 15% increase by January.
  3. Achievable (A):
    • Assess the capacity of the learning centre to accommodate additional students.
    • Review the marketing budget and allocate resources effectively for the planned promotional activities.
  4. Relevant (R):
    • Tailor the back-to-school promotion to showcase the learning center’s strengths, courses, and benefits.
    • Ensure that the promotional strategies align with the target audience’s preferences and needs.
  5. Time-bound (T):

    • Set a clear timeline for each marketing initiative from August to January.
    • Allocate sufficient time for planning, execution, and evaluation of promotional efforts.

4. Craft Your Marketing Plan

If you followed our previous steps, you know your audience, what your USP is, and how to define your S.M.A.R.T. Marketing Goals. Now it’s time to craft your marketing plan.

You still must choose the most effective channels and media for your business, create compelling content, establish a budget, implement strategies, and measure results. 

To define channels for effective audience connection, you must understand your audience’s preferences, research competitors, start small, and scale based on results.

And when it comes to goals and objectives, be specific, set measurable goals, align with your centre’s mission, and consider factors like enrollment, program expansion, or student satisfaction.

5. Take Action, Monitor & Adjust

Steps to craft a perfect marketing plan for Education Centre in Malaysia

The next step involves the timely execution of the plan and vigilant monitoring of key performance metrics.

As we implement the various marketing strategies, it is crucial to track essential indicators such as the engagement rate for social media posts and conversion rates for advertisements.

These metrics provide invaluable insights into the effectiveness of our marketing efforts and enable us to gauge audience response. As we progress, we must actively review the results and analyze the collected data.

By scrutinizing the outcomes, we can identify strengths and weaknesses in the campaign, enabling us to make data-driven adjustments that optimize overall performance.

This critical review process ensures that our marketing endeavours remain agile, adaptive, and constantly refined, ultimately fostering continuous improvement and greater success in achieving our enrollment goal.

Improve Your Marketing Success With AOneSchools

The key to every marketing plan is to continuously monitor your efforts, evaluate them, and adapt according to the results.

AOneSchools provides a comprehensive dashboard that showcases key business data metrics, empowering you to make informed decisions about your operations.

We’re excited to share that with AOneSchools, you’ll have access to real-time insights on student enrollment, financial performance, and resource allocation. This means you can say goodbye to manual data collection and analysis, making decision-making a breeze.

School Management System

With more time saved on mundane tasks, you can focus on refining the business and marketing strategies, driving growth and success for their learning centres.

Contact us and try a free demo today!


How to Promote Your Learning Centre with Marketing?

One of the main reasons why learning centres don’t thrive is a lack of marketing strategies.

Marketing is crucial for any business because it creates awareness, helps differentiate from competitors, and builds brand recognition, leading to increased enrollment and business success.

Since the significant increase in the number of different learning centres in Malaysia, it is now more important than ever to use the best marketing strategies and put your educational centre in the limelight.

If you’re asking, “How am I supposed to do that?”—this article will give you the answers.

Let’s get started!

8 Essential Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Learning Centre

Having effective marketing strategies with a solid marketing plan in place helps to attract more students and parents, leading to increased enrollment and revenue. With a clear plan and budget allocation, owners can maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.

Here are some marketing strategies that education businesses can apply in order to thrive in this competitive market.

1. Leverage Social Media Platforms

Some studies have shown that the average Malaysian user aged 16 to 64 spends 8 hours and 6 minutes online each month. Since everyone has a smartphone now and utilizes Google daily, it is a great way to reach your target audience and showcase your brand identity online.

And the main reason why people use the internet so much is to get information and connect with people with the same interests. So, you must give them valuable content and a community where they can ask questions and share thoughts with like-minded individuals.

Important note: Trends are changing pretty quickly, and you must stay relevant. The biggest trend right now on (almost) every social media platform is quick and engaging videos.

Social Media Marketing for Education Business

2. Utilize Online Advertising

The internet has a lot to offer, and one of the best marketing strategies for specific results is digital ads. 

As the owner of an educational center, you can utilize digital ads by identifying your target audience, using platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising, creating compelling ad content, setting a budget, and continuously monitoring and optimizing ad performance.

Another great tactic is to use channels like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok if your ideal students spend more time on those platforms (usually younger generations).

3. Build an Engaging Website

Every potential student (or their parent) who hears of you and becomes interested will Google you.

The process of converting an interested student to your student will be a piece of cake if you have a good website where they will find every relevant piece of information they seek.

An engaging and informative website will also give you credibility and a good reputation.

As we already mentioned, most people nowadays use their phones to go online, so don’t forget to make your website mobile friendly.

4. Collect and Display Authentic Reviews

The next thing people look for after googling something (whether it is a business or a product) is the reviews other users have left. And this is the perfect place for you to shine.

You can encourage your current or former students to leave online reviews and try to make the review process as easy as possible.

Sometimes people don’t like to bother leaving such reviews, so you can give them a little push. For example, incentivize the review process by offering discounts, gift cards, bonus points, etc., and encourage satisfied parents and students to share their experiences.

Activity Ideas for Learning Centre

5. Host Events and Workshops

To effectively showcase your learning centre and engage potential parents and students, consider organizing a variety of events. Workshops, free trial classes, holiday programs, and education-related events like dance competitions can all be valuable opportunities.

These events offer a chance to demonstrate the unique offerings of your centre, build connections within the community, and generate interest and enthusiasm among your target audience.

6. Collaborate with Influencers and Local Businesses

It can be a powerful marketing strategy for a learning centre, especially if there’s room in the budget.

By teaming up with influential individuals and local businesses, the learning centre can expand its reach and enhance its credibility within the community.

Influencers, with their engaged and devoted audiences, can help promote the centre’s unique offerings and educational benefits.

Additionally, partnerships with local businesses can lead to joint events or special offers, attracting a wider audience. These collaborations not only increase brand visibility but also create a positive association with trusted figures and brands, ultimately boosting enrollment and fostering a positive reputation for the learning centre.

7. Create Your Own Branding and Identity

Creating branding and identity for a learning centre is essential for building trust and credibility and attracting ideal students who resonate with the centre’s values and teaching approach.

Some proven strategies for positioning an educational centre through branding include the following:

  • Create a memorable logo. Design a logo that is simple, unique, and easily recognizable. It should represent your centre’s values and personality while leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.
  • Choose brand colours wisely. Select colours that align with your centre’s identity and evoke the right emotions. For instance, calming colours for a tutoring centre or vibrant colours for a creative arts academy.
  • Develop a strong visual identity. Ensure consistency in the use of fonts, graphics, and design elements across all marketing materials, including websites, brochures, and social media.
  • Monitor and adapt. Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your branding efforts and be open to making adjustments based on feedback and changing market trends.

8. Monitor and Analyze Your Efforts

Monitoring and analyzing marketing efforts is of paramount importance for any learning centre. By tracking the performance of promotional strategies, owners can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

This data-driven approach allows them to measure the success of their marketing campaigns and make informed decisions moving forward.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement, and enrollment numbers provide a clear picture of the effectiveness of various initiatives.

By identifying successful tactics and areas needing improvement, the learning centre can refine its marketing strategies, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately achieve better results in attracting and retaining students.

Marketing For Learning Centre

Create the Best Experience for Your Students with AOneSchools

Marketing strategies and preparation for them are indispensable parts of the process. Thanks to them, you can represent your brand and attract the right audience for your learning centre.

But that is not the end of the journey. In fact, for your students and their parents, it’s just the beginning.

Your learning centre needs a powerful tuition centre management system to provide a seamless enrollment experience. And more than 2,000 educational centres in Malaysia and beyond give their trust to AOneSchools.

School Management System

AOneSchools is a learning centre management system that will help you simplify your daily administration tasks for the owners, administrators, and teachers. But, most importantly, AOneSchools offers a smooth and straightforward enrollment process.

On top of that, AOneSchools will improve the overall experience in your educational centre with unique features for organization and communication.

Contact us and get your free demo today!